Exocad tip 1 - Download & Install DESS Libraries

In this tip, we explain how you can easily download and install 'DESS' libraries in your 'Exocad software.'

1. Go to 'www.dessdental.com/en-eu/libraries' via your web browser.
Then scroll down until you reach the 'Exocad Libraries.'

Here you can choose which libraries you would like to download. Then click on 'download' to begin.

2. A pop-up window will now appear. Here, select the 'CE approved library, Cement gap 0.02mm library' and then enter your email address. By clicking 'Download', the download will effectively begin.

You will now be able to choose where to save the download. It is best to save it in your 'Downloads folder'.

3. In this folder, you will then see the following file appear:

This is a compressed file. You will need to extract it before you can actually use the files. To do this, right-click on the file and select 'Extract all...'

4. This window will appear. To extract the files, confirm the destination folder or click 'Browse' to choose a different location. Then, click 'Extract' to start the process. The files will be available in the selected folder once extraction is complete.

5. Now that the folder has been extracted, we can transfer the files into your Exocad software.

Double-click on the folder to access the files inside. Then, select all the files in this folder. By right-clicking, you can choose to 'Copy' the files.

6. Now, go to the drive where your Exocad software is installed and navigate to the 'implant folder'. See the example below.

Once you have opened this folder, right-click and select 'Paste'.

The implant libraries are now saved in your software. The next time you start a new 'DentalCAD' project, they will appear in your software.