Tips & Tricks

Exocad tip 1 - Dess-bibliotheken downloaden en installeren
In deze tip leggen we uit hoe u eenvoudig 'DESS'- bibliotheken kunt downloaden en installeren in uw 'Exocad-software.'

Exocad tip 2 - Multi-View-ontwerp
In deze tip bespreken we het principe van 'Multi-view design' voor het plaatsen van connectoren tussen brugelementen.

Exocad tip 3 - Optimizing screw channel
When designing a bridge in Exocad, it often happens that an implant is positioned between two elements. This can cause issues when finalizing the bridge. Exocad then has difficulty cutting the screw hole out of the bridge because the connectors are also positioned there.
However, this is easy to resolve. We will discuss step-by-step how to solve this problem.

Asiga tip 1 - Maintaing the build tray
Proper care of your Asiga build tray is essential for ensuring smooth and safe printing. This guide covers tray options, lifespan management, maintenance tips, and replacement steps to help you keep your printer running efficiently and prevent damage.